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Question Number 145986 by Axeda last updated on 27/Jul/21

What is  x−f(x)×e/3.5π×θ=???????  function f(input) = decrypt( determinant ((( determinant (( )) )))

$${What}\:{is} \\ $$$${x}−{f}\left({x}\right)×{e}/\mathrm{3}.\mathrm{5}\pi×\theta=??????? \\ $$$${function}\:{f}\left({input}\right)\:=\:{decrypt}\left(\begin{array}{|c|}{\begin{array}{|c|}{\underbrace{ }}\\\hline\end{array}\underbrace{ }}\\\hline\end{array}\right. \\ $$

Answered by Axeda last updated on 10/Jul/21

why cant i see all the symbols????

$${why}\:{cant}\:{i}\:{see}\:{all}\:{the}\:{symbols}???? \\ $$

Commented by Axeda last updated on 27/Jul/21

awnser plz (unless u cant)

$${awnser}\:{plz}\:\left({unless}\:{u}\:{cant}\right) \\ $$$$ \\ $$

Commented by Axeda last updated on 27/Jul/21

i cant see all of the equasion. just some of it

$${i}\:{cant}\:{see}\:{all}\:{of}\:{the}\:{equasion}.\:{just}\:{some}\:{of}\:{it} \\ $$$$ \\ $$

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