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Question Number 157417 by MathSh last updated on 23/Oct/21

if  a;b>0  then prove that:  (((a + b)^6  (a^(15)  + b^(15) ) (a^(21)  + b^(21) ))/((a^3  + b^3 )^2  (a^5  + b^5 )^3  (a^7  + b^7 )^3 )) ≥ 1

$$\mathrm{if}\:\:\mathrm{a};\mathrm{b}>\mathrm{0}\:\:\mathrm{then}\:\mathrm{prove}\:\mathrm{that}: \\ $$ $$\frac{\left(\mathrm{a}\:+\:\mathrm{b}\right)^{\mathrm{6}} \:\left(\mathrm{a}^{\mathrm{15}} \:+\:\mathrm{b}^{\mathrm{15}} \right)\:\left(\mathrm{a}^{\mathrm{21}} \:+\:\mathrm{b}^{\mathrm{21}} \right)}{\left(\mathrm{a}^{\mathrm{3}} \:+\:\mathrm{b}^{\mathrm{3}} \right)^{\mathrm{2}} \:\left(\mathrm{a}^{\mathrm{5}} \:+\:\mathrm{b}^{\mathrm{5}} \right)^{\mathrm{3}} \:\left(\mathrm{a}^{\mathrm{7}} \:+\:\mathrm{b}^{\mathrm{7}} \right)^{\mathrm{3}} }\:\geqslant\:\mathrm{1} \\ $$ $$ \\ $$

Answered by upendramajhi last updated on 23/Oct/21

$$ \\ $$ $$ \\ $$

Commented byRasheed.Sindhi last updated on 23/Oct/21

Or he had booked space for his answer!

$${Or}\:{he}\:{had}\:{booked}\:{space}\:{for}\:{his}\:{answer}! \\ $$

Commented bymr W last updated on 23/Oct/21

please check your pen, it has no ink  more. or if you are using an invisible  ink, please tell us how to make it  visible again.

$${please}\:{check}\:{your}\:{pen},\:{it}\:{has}\:{no}\:{ink} \\ $$ $${more}.\:{or}\:{if}\:{you}\:{are}\:{using}\:{an}\:{invisible} \\ $$ $${ink},\:{please}\:{tell}\:{us}\:{how}\:{to}\:{make}\:{it} \\ $$ $${visible}\:{again}. \\ $$

Commented byRasheed.Sindhi last updated on 23/Oct/21

He has written with white chalk  on white board!

$$\mathcal{H}{e}\:{has}\:{written}\:{with}\:\boldsymbol{{white}}\:{chalk} \\ $$ $${on}\:\boldsymbol{{white}}\:{board}! \\ $$

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