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Question Number 189680 by normans last updated on 20/Mar/23

Commented by normans last updated on 20/Mar/23

sorry to Q189551.   this is true problem.....

$${sorry}\:{to}\:{Q}\mathrm{189551}. \\ $$$$\:{this}\:{is}\:{true}\:{problem}..... \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Mar/23

i have given you a true answer there:  question is wrong! any two circles  can satisfy the given condition (see  below).  what sense does it make when you  just repeat the same question   without giving more information?

$${i}\:{have}\:{given}\:{you}\:{a}\:{true}\:{answer}\:{there}: \\ $$$${question}\:{is}\:{wrong}!\:{any}\:{two}\:{circles} \\ $$$${can}\:{satisfy}\:{the}\:{given}\:{condition}\:\left({see}\right. \\ $$$$\left.{below}\right). \\ $$$${what}\:{sense}\:{does}\:{it}\:{make}\:{when}\:{you} \\ $$$${just}\:{repeat}\:{the}\:{same}\:{question}\: \\ $$$${without}\:{giving}\:{more}\:{information}? \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Mar/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Mar/23

maybe there is an additional  condition which you have lost:  one circle passes through the center  of the other circle as shown.  then the question is complete and  solvable.

$${maybe}\:{there}\:{is}\:{an}\:{additional} \\ $$$${condition}\:{which}\:{you}\:{have}\:{lost}: \\ $$$${one}\:{circle}\:{passes}\:{through}\:{the}\:{center} \\ $$$${of}\:{the}\:{other}\:{circle}\:{as}\:{shown}. \\ $$$${then}\:{the}\:{question}\:{is}\:{complete}\:{and} \\ $$$${solvable}. \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 20/Mar/23

Commented by mr W last updated on 21/Mar/23

we have once again a wall which   never gives an echo...

$${we}\:{have}\:{once}\:{again}\:{a}\:{wall}\:{which}\: \\ $$$${never}\:{gives}\:{an}\:{echo}... \\ $$

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