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Question Number 189777 by mnjuly1970 last updated on 21/Mar/23

     Question  (Graph )...        How many four member dominating sets              are  there  in the  graph of  C_( 7)  ?              −−−−−−

$$ \\ $$$$\:\:\:\mathrm{Question}\:\:\left(\mathrm{Graph}\:\right)... \\ $$$$ \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\mathrm{How}\:\mathrm{many}\:\mathrm{four}\:\mathrm{member}\:\mathrm{dominating}\:\mathrm{sets} \\ $$$$\:\:\:\: \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:\:\mathrm{are}\:\:\mathrm{there}\:\:\mathrm{in}\:\mathrm{the}\:\:\mathrm{graph}\:\mathrm{of}\:\:\mathrm{C}_{\:\mathrm{7}} \:? \\ $$$$ \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:−−−−−− \\ $$$$\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\: \\ $$$$ \\ $$

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