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Question Number 190639 by otchereabdullai last updated on 07/Apr/23

 The points A, B and C have position   vectors i−j , 5i−3j and 11i−6j   respectively . Show that A, B and C  are collinear.

$$\:{The}\:{points}\:{A},\:{B}\:{and}\:{C}\:{have}\:{position} \\ $$$$\:{vectors}\:{i}−{j}\:,\:\mathrm{5}{i}−\mathrm{3}{j}\:{and}\:\mathrm{11}{i}−\mathrm{6}{j}\: \\ $$$${respectively}\:.\:{Show}\:{that}\:{A},\:{B}\:{and}\:{C} \\ $$$${are}\:{collinear}. \\ $$

Answered by ajfour last updated on 08/Apr/23

BC=6i−3j=3(2i−j)  AB=4i−2j=2(2i−j)

$${BC}=\mathrm{6}{i}−\mathrm{3}{j}=\mathrm{3}\left(\mathrm{2}{i}−{j}\right) \\ $$$${AB}=\mathrm{4}{i}−\mathrm{2}{j}=\mathrm{2}\left(\mathrm{2}{i}−{j}\right) \\ $$

Commented by otchereabdullai last updated on 08/Apr/23

thanks a lot prof Aj

$${thanks}\:{a}\:{lot}\:{prof}\:{Aj} \\ $$

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