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Question Number 195964 by mr W last updated on 14/Aug/23

the family A has 4 members and the  family B has 5 members. there are   6 personsfrom other families.  in how many ways can you arrange  these 15 persons on a round table  such that no member from family A  no member from family B are next   to each other?

$${the}\:{family}\:{A}\:{has}\:\mathrm{4}\:{members}\:{and}\:{the} \\ $$$${family}\:{B}\:{has}\:\mathrm{5}\:{members}.\:{there}\:{are}\: \\ $$$$\mathrm{6}\:{personsfrom}\:{other}\:{families}. \\ $$$${in}\:{how}\:{many}\:{ways}\:{can}\:{you}\:{arrange} \\ $$$${these}\:\mathrm{15}\:{persons}\:{on}\:{a}\:{round}\:{table} \\ $$$${such}\:{that}\:{no}\:{member}\:{from}\:{family}\:{A} \\ $$$${no}\:{member}\:{from}\:{family}\:{B}\:{are}\:{next}\: \\ $$$${to}\:{each}\:{other}? \\ $$

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