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Question Number 204753 by Tawa11 last updated on 26/Feb/24

A wave has an amplitude of 20cm from rest.  If the angle of oscillation is 30⁰. Find the  displacement of the wave.

A wave has an amplitude of 20cm from rest. If the angle of oscillation is 30⁰. Find the displacement of the wave.

Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Feb/24

is this the right answer you have  expected?

$${is}\:{this}\:{the}\:{right}\:{answer}\:{you}\:{have} \\ $$$${expected}? \\ $$

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 28/Feb/24

I appreciate sir

$$\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{appreciate}\:\mathrm{sir} \\ $$

Commented by TonyCWX08 last updated on 27/Feb/24

  Displacement  =20×cos(30°)  =17.32 cm

$$ \\ $$$${Displacement} \\ $$$$=\mathrm{20}×{cos}\left(\mathrm{30}°\right) \\ $$$$=\mathrm{17}.\mathrm{32}\:{cm} \\ $$

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 28/Feb/24

No sir.  I don′t know the answer.  But am not cleared with the working.

$$\mathrm{No}\:\mathrm{sir}. \\ $$$$\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{don}'\mathrm{t}\:\mathrm{know}\:\mathrm{the}\:\mathrm{answer}. \\ $$$$\mathrm{But}\:\mathrm{am}\:\mathrm{not}\:\mathrm{cleared}\:\mathrm{with}\:\mathrm{the}\:\mathrm{working}. \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Feb/24

but your reply suggested that his  answer was right and you are satisfied  with this result.

$${but}\:{your}\:{reply}\:{suggested}\:{that}\:{his} \\ $$$${answer}\:{was}\:{right}\:{and}\:{you}\:{are}\:{satisfied} \\ $$$${with}\:{this}\:{result}. \\ $$

Commented by Tawa11 last updated on 28/Feb/24

Sir, I only complement his reply.

$$\mathrm{Sir},\:\mathrm{I}\:\mathrm{only}\:\mathrm{complement}\:\mathrm{his}\:\mathrm{reply}. \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 28/Feb/24

ok. i mistook.

$${ok}.\:{i}\:{mistook}. \\ $$

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