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Question Number 24539 by ajfour last updated on 20/Nov/17

Commented by ajfour last updated on 20/Nov/17

If the system is released with  the rod vertical (θ=0) , and the  rod being attached to the center  of disc with a frictionless axle,  then as the rod inclines down,  disc rolls purely (consider given),  Find x as a function of 𝛉 .

$${If}\:{the}\:{system}\:{is}\:{released}\:{with} \\ $$$${the}\:{rod}\:{vertical}\:\left(\theta=\mathrm{0}\right)\:,\:{and}\:{the} \\ $$$${rod}\:{being}\:{attached}\:{to}\:{the}\:{center} \\ $$$${of}\:{disc}\:{with}\:{a}\:{frictionless}\:{axle}, \\ $$$${then}\:{as}\:{the}\:{rod}\:{inclines}\:{down}, \\ $$$${disc}\:{rolls}\:{purely}\:\left({consider}\:{given}\right), \\ $$$${Find}\:\boldsymbol{{x}}\:{as}\:{a}\:{function}\:{of}\:\boldsymbol{\theta}\:. \\ $$$$ \\ $$

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