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Question Number 48510 by ajfour last updated on 24/Nov/18

Commented by ajfour last updated on 24/Nov/18

Find the Normal reactions at  the base of the three legs of a  table of mass M.

$${Find}\:{the}\:{Normal}\:{reactions}\:{at} \\ $$$${the}\:{base}\:{of}\:{the}\:{three}\:{legs}\:{of}\:{a} \\ $$$${table}\:{of}\:{mass}\:{M}. \\ $$$$ \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 25/Nov/18

it is always Mg/3 for each leg, even  for any triangular form of the base,  as long as the table stands on 3 legs.

$${it}\:{is}\:{always}\:{Mg}/\mathrm{3}\:{for}\:{each}\:{leg},\:{even} \\ $$$${for}\:{any}\:{triangular}\:{form}\:{of}\:{the}\:{base}, \\ $$$${as}\:{long}\:{as}\:{the}\:{table}\:{stands}\:{on}\:\mathrm{3}\:{legs}. \\ $$

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