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Question Number 86534 by redmiiuser last updated on 29/Mar/20

Mr.Tanmay can you  please help me in  question no.86454

$${Mr}.{Tanmay}\:{can}\:{you} \\ $$$${please}\:{help}\:{me}\:{in} \\ $$$${question}\:{no}.\mathrm{86454} \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 29/Mar/20

it′s getting boring...  how many times will you still repeat  this?  i had a look at your solution in Q86454.  it is CORRECT! be proud, it′s a  best job done!

$${it}'{s}\:{getting}\:{boring}... \\ $$$${how}\:{many}\:{times}\:{will}\:{you}\:{still}\:{repeat} \\ $$$${this}? \\ $$$${i}\:{had}\:{a}\:{look}\:{at}\:{your}\:{solution}\:{in}\:{Q}\mathrm{86454}. \\ $$$${it}\:{is}\:\boldsymbol{{CORRECT}}!\:{be}\:{proud},\:{it}'{s}\:{a} \\ $$$${best}\:{job}\:{done}!\: \\ $$

Commented by redmiiuser last updated on 29/Mar/20

thanks mr.w

$${thanks}\:{mr}.{w} \\ $$

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