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Question Number 205350 by necx122 last updated on 17/Mar/24

A man invested U24000.00 in U5.00  shares of a firm. After a period of  time, it appreciated to U5.50 per share.  How much dividend did he receive, if  the dividend declared is 50k per share?

$${A}\:{man}\:{invested}\:{U}\mathrm{24000}.\mathrm{00}\:{in}\:{U}\mathrm{5}.\mathrm{00} \\ $$$${shares}\:{of}\:{a}\:{firm}.\:{After}\:{a}\:{period}\:{of} \\ $$$${time},\:{it}\:{appreciated}\:{to}\:{U}\mathrm{5}.\mathrm{50}\:{per}\:{share}. \\ $$$${How}\:{much}\:{dividend}\:{did}\:{he}\:{receive},\:{if} \\ $$$${the}\:{dividend}\:{declared}\:{is}\:\mathrm{50}{k}\:{per}\:{share}? \\ $$

Commented by A5T last updated on 17/Mar/24


$$\mathrm{50}{k}={U}\mathrm{0}.\mathrm{50}? \\ $$

Commented by necx122 last updated on 17/Mar/24

yes! thats it.

$${yes}!\:{thats}\:{it}. \\ $$

Answered by A5T last updated on 17/Mar/24

((24000)/5)×5.50=26400  Dividend=((26400)/(5.50))×0.5=2400

$$\frac{\mathrm{24000}}{\mathrm{5}}×\mathrm{5}.\mathrm{50}=\mathrm{26400} \\ $$$${Dividend}=\frac{\mathrm{26400}}{\mathrm{5}.\mathrm{50}}×\mathrm{0}.\mathrm{5}=\mathrm{2400} \\ $$

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