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Question Number 125460 by john_santu last updated on 11/Dec/20

 In a room containing N people  N>3, at least one person has not  shaken hands with everyone  else in the room. What is the   maximum number of people   in the room that could have   shaken hands with everyone   else?

$$\:{In}\:{a}\:{room}\:{containing}\:{N}\:{people} \\ $$$${N}>\mathrm{3},\:{at}\:{least}\:{one}\:{person}\:{has}\:{not} \\ $$$${shaken}\:{hands}\:{with}\:{everyone} \\ $$$${else}\:{in}\:{the}\:{room}.\:{What}\:{is}\:{the}\: \\ $$$${maximum}\:{number}\:{of}\:{people}\: \\ $$$${in}\:{the}\:{room}\:{that}\:{could}\:{have}\: \\ $$$${shaken}\:{hands}\:{with}\:{everyone}\: \\ $$$${else}?\: \\ $$

Answered by liberty last updated on 11/Dec/20


$${N}āˆ’\mathrm{2} \\ $$

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