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Question Number 207354 by NasaSara last updated on 12/May/24

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/May/24

there are integrals like following  ∫∫...∫∫f(x_1 ,x_2 ,...,x_n )dx_1 dx_2 ...dx_n   ∫_a_n  ^b_n  ∫_a_(n−1)  ^b_(n−1)  ...∫_a_2  ^b_2  ∫_a_1  ^b_1  f(x_1 ,x_2 ,...,x_n )dx_1 dx_2 ...dx_n

$${there}\:{are}\:{integrals}\:{like}\:{following} \\ $$$$\int\int...\int\int{f}\left({x}_{\mathrm{1}} ,{x}_{\mathrm{2}} ,...,{x}_{{n}} \right){dx}_{\mathrm{1}} {dx}_{\mathrm{2}} ...{dx}_{{n}} \\ $$$$\int_{{a}_{{n}} } ^{{b}_{{n}} } \int_{{a}_{{n}−\mathrm{1}} } ^{{b}_{{n}−\mathrm{1}} } ...\int_{{a}_{\mathrm{2}} } ^{{b}_{\mathrm{2}} } \int_{{a}_{\mathrm{1}} } ^{{b}_{\mathrm{1}} } {f}\left({x}_{\mathrm{1}} ,{x}_{\mathrm{2}} ,...,{x}_{{n}} \right){dx}_{\mathrm{1}} {dx}_{\mathrm{2}} ...{dx}_{{n}} \\ $$

Commented by NasaSara last updated on 12/May/24

i stadied double integral with changing their orders so i was wodering if dealing with quadrable integral , how can i change the order ?

$${i}\:{stadied}\:{double}\:{integral}\:{with}\:{changing}\:{their}\:{orders}\:{so}\:{i}\:{was}\:{wodering}\:{if}\:{dealing}\:{with}\:{quadrable}\:{integral}\:,\:{how}\:{can}\:{i}\:{change}\:{the}\:{order}\:? \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/May/24

if the bounds of the integrals are  constants, you can change the order  arbitrarily. but if the bounds of an  integral are functions of an other  variable, then you can not change  the order of the integrals.

$${if}\:{the}\:{bounds}\:{of}\:{the}\:{integrals}\:{are} \\ $$$${constants},\:{you}\:{can}\:{change}\:{the}\:{order} \\ $$$${arbitrarily}.\:{but}\:{if}\:{the}\:{bounds}\:{of}\:{an} \\ $$$${integral}\:{are}\:{functions}\:{of}\:{an}\:{other} \\ $$$${variable},\:{then}\:{you}\:{can}\:{not}\:{change} \\ $$$${the}\:{order}\:{of}\:{the}\:{integrals}. \\ $$

Commented by mr W last updated on 12/May/24

but first of all:  please don′t write a whole post in  a single line! such posts are terrible  to read.

$${but}\:{first}\:{of}\:{all}: \\ $$$${please}\:{don}'{t}\:{write}\:{a}\:{whole}\:{post}\:{in} \\ $$$${a}\:{single}\:{line}!\:{such}\:{posts}\:{are}\:{terrible} \\ $$$${to}\:{read}. \\ $$

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