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Question Number 134627 by bobhans last updated on 05/Mar/21
ALGEBRA  If Bobby walks to school at 50m/min. He will be late for 3 minutes. If he walks 60 m/min, he arrives at school early by 2 mins. What is the distance between Bobby's home and school?
$$\mathcal{ALGEBRA} \\ $$If Bobby walks to school at 50m/min. He will be late for 3 minutes. If he walks 60 m/min, he arrives at school early by 2 mins. What is the distance between Bobby's home and school?
Answered by som(math1967) last updated on 06/Mar/21
  (x/(50)) −(x/(60))=5     [x=dist. between                        Bobby′shome an school]  ⇒((6x−5x)/(300))=5  ⇒x=1500  Distance between Bobby′s  home and school=1500m
$$\:\:\frac{{x}}{\mathrm{50}}\:−\frac{{x}}{\mathrm{60}}=\mathrm{5}\:\:\:\:\:\left[{x}={dist}.\:{between}\right. \\ $$$$\left.\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:\:{Bobby}'{s}\boldsymbol{{home}}\:\boldsymbol{{an}}\:\boldsymbol{{school}}\right] \\ $$$$\Rightarrow\frac{\mathrm{6}{x}−\mathrm{5}{x}}{\mathrm{300}}=\mathrm{5} \\ $$$$\Rightarrow{x}=\mathrm{1500} \\ $$$${Distance}\:{between}\:{Bobby}'{s} \\ $$$${home}\:{and}\:{school}=\mathrm{1500}{m} \\ $$

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