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Question Number 66199 by aliesam last updated on 10/Aug/19
calculate  cos(79)=?
$${calculate} \\ $$$${cos}\left(\mathrm{79}\right)=? \\ $$
Commented by $@ty@m123 last updated on 10/Aug/19
Use trigonometrical table.  OR   Scientific calculator
$${Use}\:{trigonometrical}\:{table}. \\ $$$${OR}\: \\ $$$${Scientific}\:{calculator} \\ $$
Commented by GordonYeeman last updated on 10/Aug/19
I don′t think that′s the point.  The best way I can find is using   taylor series and then introducing   the number.
$${I}\:{don}'{t}\:{think}\:{that}'{s}\:{the}\:{point}. \\ $$$${The}\:{best}\:{way}\:{I}\:{can}\:{find}\:{is}\:{using}\: \\ $$$${taylor}\:{series}\:{and}\:{then}\:{introducing}\: \\ $$$${the}\:{number}. \\ $$
Commented by aliesam last updated on 10/Aug/19
thats right try that
$${thats}\:{right}\:{try}\:{that} \\ $$

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