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Question Number 134721 by 0731619177 last updated on 06/Mar/21
Commented by CutieJanab last updated on 06/Mar/21
i want to shre my queztion but i dont know how can i upload my wuestion cam you help me...
$${i}\:{want}\:{to}\:{shre}\:{my}\:{queztion}\:{but}\:{i}\:{dont}\:{know}\:{how}\:{can}\:{i}\:{upload}\:{my}\:{wuestion}\:{cam}\:{you}\:{help}\:{me}… \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 06/Mar/21
at first: please don′t write all things  in just one single line. in this app  you must make line break manually.    for how to use this forum to post  your questions just tap Forum Help  on the top of home page and read  the help.
$${at}\:{first}:\:{please}\:{don}'{t}\:{write}\:{all}\:{things} \\ $$$${in}\:{just}\:{one}\:{single}\:{line}.\:{in}\:{this}\:{app} \\ $$$${you}\:{must}\:{make}\:{line}\:{break}\:{manually}. \\ $$$$ \\ $$$${for}\:{how}\:{to}\:{use}\:{this}\:{forum}\:{to}\:{post} \\ $$$${your}\:{questions}\:{just}\:{tap}\:\underline{{Forum}\:{Help}} \\ $$$${on}\:{the}\:{top}\:{of}\:{home}\:{page}\:{and}\:{read} \\ $$$${the}\:{help}. \\ $$
Commented by CutieJanab last updated on 06/Mar/21
ok thankue★
$${ok}\:{thankue}\bigstar \\ $$

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