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Question Number 68541 by Kunal12588 last updated on 13/Sep/19
Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 13/Sep/19
please answer with explanation
$${please}\:{answer}\:{with}\:{explanation} \\ $$
Answered by mr W last updated on 13/Sep/19
Commented by Kunal12588 last updated on 13/Sep/19
thank you very much sir
$${thank}\:{you}\:{very}\:{much}\:{sir} \\ $$
Commented by mr W last updated on 13/Sep/19
tangential acc. =a_T   a_T =g sin α  α from θ to zero and then from zero to θ.  a_T  from g sin θ to zero and then from zero to g sin θ.  ⇒answer (3)
$${tangential}\:{acc}.\:={a}_{{T}} \\ $$$${a}_{{T}} ={g}\:\mathrm{sin}\:\alpha \\ $$$$\alpha\:{from}\:\theta\:{to}\:{zero}\:{and}\:{then}\:{from}\:{zero}\:{to}\:\theta. \\ $$$${a}_{{T}} \:{from}\:{g}\:\mathrm{sin}\:\theta\:{to}\:{zero}\:{and}\:{then}\:{from}\:{zero}\:{to}\:{g}\:\mathrm{sin}\:\theta. \\ $$$$\Rightarrow{answer}\:\left(\mathrm{3}\right) \\ $$

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