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Question Number 68728 by Rio Michael last updated on 15/Sep/19
dear scientist.  i did some research on the energy obtained from the sun  any other source  by a liquid, of density ρ , velocity  v,  viscosity η and distance   travelled   d.    i came out with the equation      E = k ( vρ η^3  d^2 )  where  k is a costant i still need to determine from more  experiment. But please i want you guys  great people to   check if the equation is in confirmity and if atall it is correct  so i can do some changes.    thanks in advanced  dear scientist.
$${dear}\:{scientist}. \\ $$$${i}\:{did}\:{some}\:{research}\:{on}\:{the}\:{energy}\:{obtained}\:{from}\:{the}\:{sun} \\ $$$${any}\:{other}\:{source}\:\:{by}\:{a}\:{liquid},\:{of}\:{density}\:\rho\:,\:{velocity}\:\:{v},\:\:{viscosity}\:\eta\:{and}\:{distance}\: \\ $$$${travelled}\:\:\:{d}. \\ $$$$ \\ $$$${i}\:{came}\:{out}\:{with}\:{the}\:{equation}\: \\ $$$$\:\:\:{E}\:=\:{k}\:\left(\:{v}\rho\:\eta^{\mathrm{3}} \:{d}^{\mathrm{2}} \right) \\ $$$${where}\:\:{k}\:{is}\:{a}\:{costant}\:{i}\:{still}\:{need}\:{to}\:{determine}\:{from}\:{more} \\ $$$${experiment}.\:{But}\:{please}\:{i}\:{want}\:{you}\:{guys}\:\:{great}\:{people}\:{to}\: \\ $$$${check}\:{if}\:{the}\:{equation}\:{is}\:{in}\:{confirmity}\:{and}\:{if}\:{atall}\:{it}\:{is}\:{correct} \\ $$$${so}\:{i}\:{can}\:{do}\:{some}\:{changes}. \\ $$$$ \\ $$$${thanks}\:{in}\:{advanced}\:\:{dear}\:{scientist}. \\ $$$$ \\ $$

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